Mise a jour
Posted by Jupiter on 2008-11-30
Update Complited you can download the new system and the launcher here (update 30/11/08)
or here
need last update for client
Welcome / Bienvenue
Posted by Boulette on 2008-11-14
Serveur Mi-Ange (Gracia part 1): rates 8x xp/sp / 13x adenas / 10x
drop spoil
Bonus Dwarf's enchant : level 20 +5%, level 40 +10%, level 76 +15%
Class master, autoloot, GM Shop for help (ss, bss and recipes and parts)
Subclass without quests
Safe enchant +4 Max enchant +7
Regeneration RB 75%, Respawn minions 15 mn. Rainbow's springs's Tavern for RP implanted.